DuckDuckGo reached its highest number of search queries in one day

DuckDuckGo, a search engine focused on privacy, increased its average number of daily searches by 62% in 2020 as users seek alternatives to impede data tracking. 

It’s a known fact, every step taken via search engines is carefully monitored and recorded for the purpose of personalizing the browsing experience. While customized search results offer great convenience to searchers, to some of them they are privacy concerns.

DuckDuckGo statistics prove that searchers no longer want to be profiled, they want real results. DuckDuckGo’s approach has shown that search engines do not need to profile their users to provide them with the information they seek.

The small search engine may not yet be a serious competitor in the game, but after the recent media boom over online privacy, it jumped hyperdrive. Here are the latest stats on how this innovative search engine increased its average number of daily searches by 62% in 2020

The search engine, founded in 2008, operated nearly 23.7 billion search queries on their platform in 2020, according to their traffic page. On Jan. 11, DuckDuckGo reached its highest number of search queries in one day, with a total of 102,251,307.

DuckDuckGo does not track user searches or share personal data with third-party companies.

“People are coming to us because they want more privacy, and it’s generally spreading through word of mouth,” Kamyl Bazbaz, DuckDuckGo vice president of communications, told USA TODAY. “People are looking for alternatives to the surveillance-tech business model.”

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